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identityTransform() - function in no.acntech.kollectiveq.util.lang.FunctionsKt
Transform function that takes an input of type T and returns the the input itself.
IN - enum entry in no.acntech.kollectiveq.Filter.Operator
initCause(java.lang.Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
isBooleanType(jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute) - function in no.acntech.kollectiveq.persistence.PersistenceUtils
Determines if the given attribute is of boolean type.
isNumberType(jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute) - function in no.acntech.kollectiveq.persistence.PersistenceUtils
Checks if the given attribute is a number type.
isValidPath(jakarta.persistence.metamodel.EntityType,java.lang.String) - function in no.acntech.kollectiveq.persistence.PersistenceUtils
Checks if the given path is a valid path for the specified entity type.
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