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SemanticVersion - class in no.acntech.easycontainers.model
Value object representing a file name for a file to be added or mapped into a container.
SemanticVersion.Companion - class in no.acntech.easycontainers.model.SemanticVersion
SERVICE - enum entry in no.acntech.easycontainers.model.ExecutionMode

Service mode - continuous execution

setStackTrace(kotlin.Array) - function in kotlin.Throwable
SimpleValueObject - class in no.acntech.easycontainers.model.base
A DDD ValueObject holding a single value.
Slf4JOutputLineCallback - class in no.acntech.easycontainers.output
OutputLineCallback implementation that logs output lines to a SLF4J logger.
splitOnWhites(java.lang.String) - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.util.text.FunctionsKt
Splits a string into a list of substrings using whitespace as the delimiter.
start() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.AbstractContainerRuntime
Starts the execution of the container.
start() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.K8sJobRuntime
Starts the execution of the container.
start() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.K8sRuntime
Starts the execution of the container.
start() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.K8sRuntime
Starts the execution of the container.
start() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.model.ContainerRuntime
Starts the execution of the container.
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.AbstractContainerRuntime
Stops the container runtime.
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.ContainerLogStreamer
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.K8sJobRuntime
Stop the job by deleting the Kubernetes Job resource.
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.K8sRuntime
Stops the container runtime.
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.K8sServiceRuntime
Stops the container runtime.
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.model.ContainerRuntime
Stops the container runtime.
stop() - function in no.acntech.easycontainers.output.LineReader
Stops the execution of the LineReader by setting the continueFlag to false and closing the input stream.
STOPPED - enum entry in no.acntech.easycontainers.model.Container.State

The container has been gracefully or forcefully stopped.

StringConstantsKt - class in no.acntech.easycontainers.util.text
StringValidator - class in no.acntech.easycontainers.util.text
Validates a String value object based on a given range and additional validators.
SUCCEEDED - enum entry in no.acntech.easycontainers.kubernetes.PodPhase
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