Package-level declarations
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This visitor visits all conditions in the filter and overriding classes can be used to implement custom logic for each condition.
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class FilterPrintVisitor(format: FilterPrintVisitor.PrintFormat = PrintFormat.PRETTY, indentSize: Int = 4) : FilterBaseVisitor
The FilterPrintVisitor class is responsible for visiting filter conditions and generating a formatted string representation of the conditions.
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This visitor validates that the filter does not contain any conditions that are not allowed.
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interface FilterVisitor
Represents a filter visitor interface.
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Pagination class for building and parsing pagination strings for JPA or SQL queries. The pagination string format is "$page:pageValue$size:sizeValue
where pageValue
and sizeValue
are positive integers. Pagination starts at 1.
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Sorting class for building sort criteria from a string.
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interface SortingVisitor
Interface for a visitor that visits sorting criteria.