Package-level declarations


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typealias TransformFunction<T, R> = (T) -> R

Transform function that takes an input of type T and returns an output of type R.

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Thrown to indicate a validation problem.


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fun createCaseFormatTransformFunction(fromFormat: CaseFormat, toFormat: CaseFormat): TransformFunction<String, String>

Transform function that will transform a String from one CaseFormat to another.

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Transform function that takes an input of type T and returns the the input itself.

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fun Any.prettyPrintMe(fallbackMap: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()): String

Pretty prints an object to a string.

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fun Any.toMap(defaultOverrides: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()): Map<String, Any?>

Converts an object to a map of property names and values, overriding any values with the same key with the fallback map.