Class Filter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Filter

    This class provides filtering functionality on collections with a query string parameter filter. The filter syntax is inspired by MongoDB, made up of predicates containing a property name, an operator, and a value.

    Syntax Example: filter=name$eq:Joe - This matches all persons with the value "Joe" in the 'name' property.

    Predicates can be chained with logical operators AND, OR, and NOT (to negate a predicate).

    Chaining Example: filter=name$eq:Joe$and:city$like:*port$and:country$ne:Norway This matches all persons named Joe, where the city includes 'port' and the country is not Norway.

    String filtering is case-insensitive.

    Operator affinity can be controlled using parentheses.

    Affinity Example: filter=name$eq:Joe$and:$not:(city$like:*port$or:age$lt:40) This matches all persons named Joe where the city does not include 'port' or age is less than 40.

    All filter strings should be URL encoded.

    The class supports the following filter operators:

    • Equals ($eq:)

    • Not equals ($ne:)

    • Greater than ($gt:)

    • Greater than or equal ($gte:)

    • Less than ($lt:)

    • Less than or equal ($lte:)

    • Is NULL ($null:)

    • Is NOT NULL ($nnull:)

    • Substring match ($like:)

    • Logical AND ($and:)

    • Logical OR ($or:)

    • Logical NOT ($not:)

    • In a list ($in:)

    • Not in a list ($nin:)

    • Having a relational condition ($having:(<relationship-field><operator><value>))

    • Having a relational function condition ($having:FUNCTION(<field.subfield>)<operator><value>) where FUNCTION is one of COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX

    The $having: (without a function) operator is used to filter by a condition on a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship. Example: On the /departments/ endpoint: filter=$having:employees(name$eq:John) - matches all departments with an employee named John.

    The $having:FUNCTION operator is used to filter by a conditional function on a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship. Example 1: On the /departments/ endpoint: filter=$having:COUNT(employees)$gt:10 - matches all departments with more than 10 employees. Example 2: On the /departments/ endpoint: filter=$having:AVG(employees.salary)$gt:500000 - matches all departments where the average salary is greater than 100.000

    Note that the $having: operator does <i>not</i> support nesting - it is only intended to be used on the top level of a filter.

    The $like: operator supports wildcards for multi-character (*) and single-character (?) matches. Note that string comparisons are (normally) done lowercase, depending on the underlying database support.

    Example: filter=name$like:K*so? - matches all resources with a name starting with "K", then s sequence of random characters, ending with "so" followed by any single character.

    If no wildcard is present, the string will be prefixed and suffixed with a (*), effectively turning it into a "contains" expression.

    Null values can be filtered using $null: and $nnull:.

    Time-related values support various UTC-based formats for filtering. Specific time fields can be extracted for comparison.

    The $in: and $nin: operators are used to filter by a list of values, which must be enclosed in brackets.

    Examples of time field filtering:

    • filter=birth_date$eq:01-25 matches all resources with a birthdate on January 25th.

    • filter=birth_date$gte:1995-- matches all resources born in or after 1995.

    • filter=last_login$gte:12:15:00 matches all resources who last logged in after 12:15:00.

    • filter=last_login$gte:2023-01-01T00:00:00Z matches all resources who last logged in after 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    • filter=last_login$gte:2023-11-02T15:22:45.123+0200 matches all resources who last logged in after 2023-11-02T15:22:45.123+0200.

    • filter=last_login$gte:2023-11-02T15:22[America/New_York] matches all resources who last logged in after 2023-11-02T15:22 in the America/New_York timezone.

    Special characters are escaped with a dollar sign ($). Special characters include:

    • The escape char itself: '$'

    • Asterisk: '*'

    • Question mark: '?'

    • Left parenthesis: '('

    • Right parenthesis: ')'

    • Comma: ','

    • Left bracket: '['

    • Right bracket: ']'

    • Colon: ':'

    • Hyphen: '-'

    • Space: ' '

    Note that after escpaping is resolved, literal wildcards () and (?) are escaped with () and (?), respectively.

    Example: filter=some_attribute$like:K$*soL$?p? becomes filter=name$like:K**soL??p?

    This is done to prepare the string for LIKE or language specific regular expressions in the target query language.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      public enum Filter.Operator
      public class Filter.Value

      Represents a sealed class Value that can hold different types of values.

      The sealed class Value has the following subclasses:

      • StringValue for storing a String value.

      • LongValue for storing a Long value.

      • DoubleValue for storing a Double value.

      • BooleanValue for storing a Boolean value.

      • DateValue for storing a LocalDate value.

      • TimeValue for storing a LocalTime value.

      • DateTimeValue for storing a LocalDateTime value.

      • MonthDayValue for storing a MonthDay value.

      • YearValue for storing an Int value.

      • UtcDateTimeValue for storing an Instant value.

      Each subclass extends the Value class and overrides the value property with the respective type.

      public class Filter.Condition

      Represents a condition used in filtering data.

      public class Filter.Companion
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final Filter.Condition getRootCondition()
      final Unit accept(FilterVisitor visitor) Accepts a visitor to perform operations on the root condition of the Filter.
      final String compactPrint() Executes the compactPrint operation, which generates a compact string representation of a Filter object based on the provided FilterPrintVisitor.
      final String prettyPrint() Returns a formatted string representation of the Filter object.
      final String asString() Returns the string representation of the Filter object.
      final String toHttpParameter() Converts the given value to an HTTP query parameter string.
      String toString()
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • accept

         final Unit accept(FilterVisitor visitor)

        Accepts a visitor to perform operations on the root condition of the Filter.

        visitor - The visitor that will perform operations on the root condition.
      • compactPrint

         final String compactPrint()

        Executes the compactPrint operation, which generates a compact string representation of a Filter object based on the provided FilterPrintVisitor.


        the compact string representation of the Filter object.

      • prettyPrint

         final String prettyPrint()

        Returns a formatted string representation of the Filter object.


        the pretty-printed string representation of the Filter object

      • asString

         final String asString()

        Returns the string representation of the Filter object.

        This method internally calls the compactPrint() method to get the compact string representation of the Filter.


        the string representation of the Filter object

      • toHttpParameter

         final String toHttpParameter()

        Converts the given value to an HTTP query parameter string.


        the HTTP query parameter string