Package-level declarations


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value class Arg(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a kubernetes/docker command argument.

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data class Args(val args: List<Arg>)

Value object representing a list of kubernetes/docker command arguments.

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interface Container
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A builder interface for creating container configurations.

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data class ContainerFile(val name: ContainerFileName, val mountPath: UnixDir, val content: String? = null, val hostFile: Path? = null)

Value object representing a file to be added or mapped into a container.

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Value object representing a file name for a file to be added or mapped into a container.

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Value object representing the common rules for Docker and Kubernetes container names. Note that both container platforms have specific rules beyond these common rules.

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Enum class representing the container types supported by the library.

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Interface representing the runtime of a container - either Docker or Kubernetes.

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value class CPU(val value: Double) : SimpleValueObject<Double>

Value object representing a kubernetes/docker cpu request or limit.

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value class EnvVarKey(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing an environment variable key.

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Value object representing an environment variable value.

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value class Executable(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing an executable, i.e. a command line with optional arguments.

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Enum class representing the execution mode of the container.

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value class Host(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a host.

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value class ImageName(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a Docker (registry) image name.

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value class ImageTag(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a Docker image tag.

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data class ImageURL(val registryUrl: RegistryURL, val repositoryName: RepositoryName, val imageName: ImageName, val tag: ImageTag = ImageTag.LATEST)

Represents a Docker image URL consisting of a registry URL, repository name, image name, and tag.

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value class LabelKey(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a docker/kubernetes label key.

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value class LabelValue(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a docker/kubernetes label value.

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Value object representing kubernetes/docker memory.

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value class Namespace(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Value object representing a kubernetes namespace.

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Value object representing a Docker image tag.

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value class NetworkPort(val value: Int) : SimpleValueObject<Int>

Value object representing a network port - range 1-65535.

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Value object representing a port mapping name

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Represents a URL of a registry.

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Represents a repository name in a software repository system.

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Value object representing a file name for a file to be added or mapped into a container.

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value class UnixDir(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Represents a complete (starting with root '/') Unix directory path as a value object.

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Enum class representing different levels of verbosity.

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data class Volume(val name: VolumeName, val mountDir: UnixDir, val hostDir: Path? = null, val memoryBacked: Boolean = false, val memory: Memory? = null)

Value object representing a volume to be added or mapped into a container.

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value class VolumeName(val value: String) : SimpleValueObject<String>

Represents a volume name.